In 1965, it was predicted by several experts that computers would bring about a 20-hour work week by the year 2000. How’s that going? It may be just me, but I feel that every year seems to get busier and busier. We get more productive and more “stuff” just magically happens. It’s not that it’s all bad “stuff.” I mean we have more sales, more sports and activities for our kids, more assistance and help for other people, more money is made, and the good list goes on.
However, while there is some good in the 2022 pace of life, for the Godly Leader, much of the busyness can be a detriment to our Christian walk. We easily fall into the trap that makes us believe that working longer and harder makes us better leaders. We are told if we are available 24/7/365, we are a great leader. The Godly Leader realizes that these are not Biblical principles – they are human-manufactured lies. Let’s look at 6 Essential areas that the Godly Leader needs to focus on when it comes to busyness. I apologize in advance for the toe-stepping. It happens when I dance, too!
#1 – Presence. I am way too guilty of this at times. I’m there… but I’m not there. I’m with the family, but I’m not with the family. Either my thoughts or my fingers on my phone dilute my presence in important times with family and friends. The learning here is to be where you are and be present just as Christ is there for us and present with us. In other words, put the phone down!
#2 – Daily Time with the Lord. It was Martin Luther who said, “I have so much to do today, I have to spend an extra hour in prayer.” While that may seem like a crazy and unrealistic statement, unfortunately too many of us take the exact opposite approach. We have so much to do today that we’re going to skip prayer and reading God’s Word. The learning here is that it is Essential to spend time each morning praying and in God’s Word. Pray in the shower and while driving. Read while eating breakfast or drinking coffee (not while in the shower or driving!). Take 5-10 minutes at a minimum to set the course for the day. That will assist the Godly Leader to focus more on following Christ than following the crowd.
#3 – Time Off. I’m a big advocate of the Sabbath. We all need a day off from work. There is an off button to your e-mail – you can put your out of office on. It is Essential for the Godly Leader to set the mark for a work-life balance, not be just one more person to lose the rat race. Put the Sabbath in your calendar and block one day off each week. The learning here is – if we quizzed your work colleagues, friends, and family – would they categorize you as a Sabbath keeper?
#4 – Go to Church. You may think this is an obvious one, but I am amazed at parents who wonder why their child has fallen away from the faith, and at the same time, they haven’t been regular at church, kids ministry, or youth group for several years. It is Essential for the Godly Leader that faithful attendance isn’t just for sports and band activities and other “can’t-miss” events you have throughout the week. Make church a can’t-miss activity as well because it is Essential to your spiritual growth and being the Godly Leader you desire to be. The learning here is to put it on the calendar and go each week. It’s that simple. There’s online church as well, which is a great option in 2022. Our online services at Rolling Hills Community Church are found each Sunday at
#5 – Margin. I am a big planner. I love to plan, and it certainly helps me with time management. However, sometimes I know that I have been so planned out that I’ve missed God opportunities – you know, those encounters that aren’t in the calendar that God loves to surprise us with. How many potential conversations and opportunities to help have I missed because I haven’t built in enough margin in my life? The learning here is to find daily, weekly, and monthly time slots that create health, lower busyness, and provide the margin for God opportunities that Godly Leaders look for and are ready for.
#6 – Give Your Time Away. If you work every Monday night at home you’ll get a lot done. However, if you go to a small group every Monday night you’ll grow in your faith and as a Godly Leader. If you go to ShowerUp, a homeless shelter, or a food pantry, and serve you won’t get any work or gardening done – and you may miss your favorite TV show! (Well, that’s why God created Hulu!) Giving your time away in the kids ministry, homeless shelter, small group, etc. is Essential to the growth of a Godly Leader. The learning here is to serve now and watch it later.
Ephesians 5:15-17 (ESV) tells us it is Essential to make the best use of our time:
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
My prayer for you is that as you look and live to grow as a Godly Leader, not just a worldly leader, you will realize more day by day how Essential it is to learn to move from busyness to Godliness.
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