Thank you for subscribing to my Essential Godly Leadership blog. You will receive a new blog once a month – on the 1st Tuesday of every month. The Essential Godly Leadership blog was recently listed in FeedSpot’s 40 Best Christian Leadership Blogs and Websites in 2024. Thank you for being a part of the success of the Essential Godly Leadership family. After a short pause due to a crazy fall schedule, I am thrilled to back providing regular content for you as a subscriber.
You can not go anywhere these days without seeing and hearing about leadership, leadership, leadership. You hear about leadership traits, leadership styles, leadership do’s and don’ts, leadership types, leadership frameworks – the list goes on and on and on. The problem for the Christ-following man or woman is that the most important aspect of leadership is, almost 100% of the time, missing.
The days of leaning just on secular wisdom and strategies and just on unbelieving friends, family, and mentors need to be gone. They can have a voice. They will speak into your life. They are not evil. But, they are not Essential. Leading your life, your family, your work, your relationships, and your world in a way that is seeking wisdom from, and pleasing to, the Lord Jesus – that, my friends, is Essential Godly Leadership. That is what we will seek to discuss each month in the Essential Godly Leadership Blog. Welcome.
There are 2 ways you can help support the Essential Godly Leadership blog ministry:
#1 – Help get the word out. If you could post or repost the blog or social posts, more people will learn about the ministry and look to connect and grow. If you can tell friends, family and co-workers about it, prayerfully they can grow in their Godly leadership as well.
#2 – Pass along leadership topic ideas. My goal is to help you where you live 24/7. I’d love your feedback on topics the blog can address to meet you where you are. Feel free to reach out to me at with your ideas.
Essential Godly Leadership: “Leading your life, your family, your work, your relationships, and your world in a way that is seeking wisdom from, and pleasing to, the Lord Jesus.”
See you in February!