In 2023, the greatest commodity we have as a Godly Leader is time. We’ll do just about anything to save time, won’t we? We always look for shorter lines, quicker methods, faster services, etc. As a leader, especially as a Godly Leader, it is Essential that we are the best stewards of the time that the Lord has given us. This week, we’re looking at some common daily items that waste our time!
#1 – EMAIL.
There, I said it. No, I don’t have an answer to getting rid of it, but I do have 3 ways that it can waste our time. First, if it sits in our inbox and we look at, read it, decide what to do with it multiple times, it wastes our time. Read it, do something with it and then archive it or delete it. It’s that simple. This is the same formula we used to have for snail mail – only touch it once. Once touch your email once.
Second, unsubscribe and don’t subscribe like crazy. Up to 25-50% of your inbox is either spam or a subscription. Get rid of it. Unsubscribe to 5-10 emails daily for 1 month and you will save time, leader.
Third, make sure you have a system to find email. Keeping them in your inbox is not a system. Put what you might need in folders or archive them. The rest – delete. When you have to search in your inbox for emails, it’s a time waster!
ACTIONS – Start working today at keeping your inbox clean. Set aside 2 hours just to organize your inbox. Start today only “touching” your email once. Lastly, unsubscribe from 5 recurring emails today!
As a Godly Leader it is Essential that we steward the precious time that God has given us and put it to best use at the calling He’s given to us and our lives!
#2 – WORRY.
80% of what we worry about never happens. 80%!
Luke 12:25-31 says this, “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith! And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.”
ACTION – When worry strikes, stop and pray, “Lord, please take this worry away from me. I trust you as a loving and Sovereign God and King!”
I live in meetings – I get it. But we often waste time in meetings. If you are someone that calls meetings, please be very mindful of who’s in the room. You are costing the time and salary of whoever is in the meeting. An hour meeting with 8 people costs 8 hours of time and hundreds of dollars of labor. As a Godly Leader, we need to be in meetings and be a part of the 59 “one anothers” in Scripture. However, we don’t have to be in ALL of the meetings for ALL of the time. 🙂
ACTIONS – Don’t accept meetings you don’t need to be in. See if a meeting can be a phone call or email (while #1 above is true, emails are shorter than meetings!). See if a meeting can be 20, 30 or 45 minutes instead of a standard 1 hour.
We have so many things pulling at us these days, that even a lot of good stuff can be exhausting. It can be excitement, pride, too much to do, the can’t say no dilemma or more as to the reasons that we’re exhausted. Whatever the reasons – you need to find a solution. Anyone can run hard for a few weeks or even a few months. And, life requires that sometimes. Sometimes!! If the season is longer than that, talk to someone – spouse, friend, boss, pastor or counselor and figure it out!
ACTIONS – Slow down a little each day. Take a Sabbath each week. Perform a time audit if you need to see where your time is going and why you’re so tired. Say no more often.
Godly Leader, God is using you in a great way in what He has called you to do in this chapter of your life. It is Essential that you make the most of the time He’s given you. Be wise and stop wasting time on these daily issues that can be remedied. I’m praying for you and with you!
We could talk a lot more on this topic, but we’ll leave it there for now. What are your thoughts or questions? Leave them in the comments. If you found this blog helpful or thought-provoking, please subscribe below to receive a new weekly blog in your email on Tuesday morning. Also, if you think this blog would be helpful for others, please share it on social media or tell a few friends about it!
Love being on this Essential Godly Leadership journey with you!
Essential Godly Leadership: “Leading your life, your family, your work, your relationships, and your world in a way that is seeking wisdom from, and pleasing to, the Lord Jesus.”