Management, development and strategy around multi-site churches and mergers.
Developing the vision, casting the vision, protecting the vision, checking in on the vision, etc.
Developing a pipeline for leadership development, developing a wholistic approach the leadership development, board development, trustee development, deacon / elder development, etc.
Setting goals, ministry plans, outreach plans, discipleship plans, connection plans, etc.
Recruiting, training, developing, strategizing for all things volunteers.
A wholistic look at developing your staff in their wellness, competence, chemistry / culture, fun, workplace and more.
Hiring, firing, performance improvement plans, benefits, volunteer staff, handbooks and policies, etc.
Help in direction, development and execution for a successful year end and/or capital campaign.
Developing, presenting, and managing a budget, discussion of finance organization, donor development discussion and more.
Covering the importance of recruiting, training, communicating with those in management / supervision.
Areas of growth, honesty, leading up, on-going meetings, responsibilities and authority, etc.
Checking in on home / work balance, walking with Christ as a full-time pastor, etc.