I’m Stressed Out! What’s a Godly Leader to Do? 

Did you know that 77% of us, more than 3 out of 4, experience stress that affects our physical health? 77%! Exactly one-third of us feel extreme stress, while half of us can’t sleep right because of stress. I don’t know about you, but just reading those stats stresses me out! It is essential we figure this out in our lives – and soon!

There are life moments that occur infrequently that really are stress producers. When you have the death of a loved one, go through a divorce, move, have a major illness or injury, or lose a job – we’re talking next-level stress. Most of those life moments can be a blog on their own. Today we are thinking more through the lens of daily stress that sometimes just doesn’t seem to go away. What’s a Godly Leader to do? 

Here are 3 pro tips for dealing with stress as a Godly Leader


There are a million things that can cause stress for sure. Money is at the top of the list for many. Relationships, work performance, family issues, unresolved conflict… and the list goes on. Sometimes we yell at our spouse, our kids, or the car next to us in traffic as an outpouring of our stress, but a lot of the time, they’re just innocent bystanders. Take the time to:

  • Ask God for understanding
  • Think through your day, week, and season
  • Be honest with yourself
  • Ask a trusted friend
  • Understand when the stress hits you during the day or week 

It is essential for the Godly Leader to understand where the stress is coming from so that you can deal with it properly. That is the first pro tip in dealing with stress. Matthew 6:33 tells us we are to, Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.


Psalm 119:105 reminds us that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and light to our path. Oftentimes, we need a light shed on our dark moments to see that the path isn’t as bad as we thought or to make the cockroaches scramble. When you realize that money is the source of your stress, for example, remember what God’s Word says. Isn’t it comforting to know this: This same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus from Philippians 4:19? As a Godly Leader, it is essential that we remember and learn what God’s Word says about our troubled and stressful areas. Memorize the passages and verses you find. Place them around your home, car, and work area. 


Once you have pinpointed the issue(s) and been encouraged and calmed by God’s Word, it is essential to have a go-forward plan. If the issue is finances, then meet with an advisor to get a tangible plan for debt reduction or budget development in place. If it’s a relationship or marriage issue, go see a great Christian counselor as soon as possible. If it’s health-related, set that doctor’s appointment now. If it’s a conflict, then set up a coffee to talk with the person that you need to resolve issues with. Godly Leaders don’t just sit, they do

It is amazing when we just start to do something, we feel better and less stressed out. Often the fear of the unknown can be one of the key contributors to the stress!

One last note to you as a Godly Leader. These pro tips are for you but also to help you lead. Your team, your family, and your network will be stressed today, this week, and in this season. Help guide them and lead them in a Godly manner through these steps to help not only yourself but those you lead more from stress to rest. 

We could talk a lot more on this topic, but we’ll leave it there for now. What are your thoughts or questions? Leave them in the comments. If you found this blog helpful or thought-provoking, please subscribe below to receive a new weekly blog in your email on Tuesday morning. Also, if you think this blog would be helpful for others, please share it on social media or tell a few friends about it! 

Love being on this Essential Godly Leadership journey with you!

Essential Godly Leadership: “Leading your life, your family, your work, your relationships, and your world in a way that is seeking wisdom from, and pleasing to, the Lord Jesus.”


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