8 Quick Steps to Productive and Godly Meetings

We’ve all been in the meetings that we can’t wait to be over, right? Unfortunately, many of us have run those meetings as well. I don’t think every meeting can be perfect, but I do think we can have a meeting that is both Productive and Godly. Here are 8 quick steps to that end:


The 4 SOT’s are – 1. Start on time, 2. Stay on time, 3. Stop on time and 4. Shut off technology. We need to ensure that we are making the most of the time that has been given to us in that meeting. If we start 5 minutes late and there are 10 people in the meeting, that is 50 minutes of lost productivity. We need to ensure the agenda keeps moving or we won’t get to the important things toward the end of the meeting. People have lives and plans and we need to help them move along and honor their time by stopping on time. The 4th SOT isn’t 100%, but it is turn of technology when it comes to personal things. When we do email, facebook and texts in a meeting, we are not focused on what should be an important meeting that is taking up your valuable time. Godly Leaders are stewards of all that is entrusted to them and people’s time is one of those resources. It’s Essential that we honor that. 

#2 – BE CLEAR. 

To be clear is to be kind. Be clear on the agenda, purpose of the meeting, action steps, who needs to be in the meeting, who’s in charge, how decisions will be made and more. This step alone will make attendees feel much more productive and clear on next steps and purpose. Godly Leaders know that clarity makes their message heard and applied and is honoring to the people and process. To be clear – it is Essential that Godly Leaders are clear! (See what I did there – ha!)


Godly Leaders are big on prayer, right? But do we pray as we are preparing for, walking toward and even in a meeting? 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 tell us to Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”. That means prayer is Essential in preparation for and in meetings. If you have the ability to, even stop a meeting to pray when there is the need for wisdom, clarity or unity. This meeting didn’t catch God off-guard, but we shouldn’t be caught off-guard by not invoking God into our meeting equation. Godly Leaders realize and recognize that this is Essential!


Sometimes we say that we have to “land the plane”. To be productive it is Essential to make decisions, assign tasks, set goals and have written action steps. Progress is king! We don’t want to spin our wheels and go nowhere, we want to make progress!


No one ever wants yes men and women in their meetings. No one wants to go to a meeting where they can’t share their opinion or where a decision has already been made. Godly Leaders know to create an environment of open and candid conversation. Godly Leaders know that they shouldn’t be threatened or create a threatening environment. But that conversation must be respectful and a Godly Leader knows to manage the room to that end. But a productive meeting is one that more often than not will have 2 or more schools of thought on a key topic. That ingredient is Essential. 


There is always the meeting after the meeting, right? Well, maybe. If that after the meeting meeting is about action steps and execution, great. If that after the meeting meeting is about things that were not shared IN the meeting, not great. As an attendee or as the leader, keep the meeting open, allow sharing and make it clear that the meeting stops when the meeting stops. Be reminded of James’s words from 1:26 – Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. Sometimes more tight rein needs to occur in the meetings after the meetings and more freedom in the meetings. 


If it is a regular meeting, Godly Leaders know to shepherd their team and not have it all be about the agenda. Part of your regular agenda needs to be caring for your team. Part of your agenda needs to be having fun as a team to get to know each other better as well. Godly Leaders know that it is Essential that it is not just all about the task lists on the agenda! The people are part of the agenda!


Godly Leaders are always pointing to a preferred future. God is doing great things and the last taste you want for your team is encouragement and hope. Kinda like this blog post – ha! 

We could talk a lot more on this topic, but we’ll leave it there for now. What are your thoughts or questions? Leave them in the comments. If you found this blog helpful or thought-provoking, please SUBSCRIBE BELOW to receive a new weekly blog in your email on Tuesday morning. Also, if you think this blog would be helpful for others, please share it on social media or tell a few friends about it! 

Love being on this Essential Godly Leadership journey with you!

Essential Godly Leadership: “Leading your life, your family, your work, your relationships, and your world in a way that is seeking wisdom from, and pleasing to, the Lord Jesus.”


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